09 novembro 2006


Harano. Uma palavra que significa muita coisa. Sentimentos inexpressáveis, emoções inexpremíveis. Eu tinha algo preparado em minha mente pra escrever aqui, um medley de emoções que foram traduzidas em músicas... já se perdeu da memória...vou tentar reproduzir:

"Life was filled with wonder
I felt the warm wind blow
I must explore the boundaries
Transcend the depth of winter's snow" (Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons)

"I may never get over
but never's better than now
I've got bases to cover" (Dream Theater - 6:00)

"Turn, I'll turn this slowly 'round
Burn, burn to feel alive again" (Dream Theater - Disappear)

"Look around
Hear the sounds
Cherish your life while you're still around" (Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons)

"The pain inside
coming outside" (Dream Theater - 6:00)

"I'm witness to redemption
heard you speak but never listened
Can you rid me of my secrets?
Deliver us from Darkness?" (Dream Theater - Voices)

"What if the rest of the world
Was hopelessly blinded by fear?
Where would my sanctity live?
Suddenly nobody cares." (Dream Theater - Scarred)

"I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears" (Dream Theater - Trial of Tears)

"Face yourself man!
Brace yourself and trace your hell back" (Dream Theater - This Dying Soul)

"I spent so long trusting in you
I trust you forgot
Just when I thought I believed in you..." (Dream Theater - The Mirror)

"Preparing for her flight
I held with all my might
Fearing my deepest fright
She walked into the night
She turned for one last look
She looked me in the eye
I said, 'I Love You...Good-bye'" (Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons)

"I'm so lonely without baby's love
I want you to know I'd die for one more moment" (Dream Theater - Goodnight Kiss)

"What if the rest of the world
Was hopelessly drowning in vain?
Where would our self pity run?
Suddenly everyone cares." (Dream Theater - Scarred)

"The city's cold blood calls me home...
Home... It's what I long for
Back home... where I belong" (Dream Theater - Home)

"Never lose sight of
Something you believe in" (Dream Theater - As I Am)

"I'm sick of all you hypocrites
holding me at bay
And I don't need your sympathy
to get me through the day
Seasons change and so can I
Hold on Boy, No time to cry
Untie these strings, I'm climbing down
I won't let them push me away" (Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons)

"But don't cut your losses too soon
'cause you'll only be cutting your throat
And answer a call while you still hear at all
'cause nobody will if you won't" (Dream Theater - 6:00)

"I wanna feel your body breaking
Wanna feel your body breaking and shaking and left in the cold
I want to heal your conscience making a change o fix this dying soul" (Dream Theater - This Dying Soul)

"Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it
Learning to swallow the rage
Found a new girl I think we can make it
as long as she stays on the page" (Dream Theater - Space-Dye Vest)

Running uphill
Swimming against the current
I wish I weren't so
Feels like I'm stuck
Lost in a sea of mediocrity" (Dream Theater - As I Am)

"There's no one to take my blame
if they wanted to
There's nothing to keep me sane
and it's all the same to you
There's nowhere to set my aim
so I'm everywhere
Never come near me again
do you really think I need you

I'll never be open again,
I could never be open again.
I'll never be open again,
I could never be open again.

And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
And I'll never be open again
And I'll have no more dreams to defend
And I'll never be open again" (Dream Theater - Space-Dye Vest)

"'Seize the day and don't you cry,
Now it's time to say good-bye
Even though I'll be gone,
I will live on, live on.'" (Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons)

"When will he be let out
Of his solitary shell?" (Dream Theater - Solitary Shell)

Não, não está resumido, está na ordem aleatória que me pareceu mais correta, perdoem o "Ctrl+C" "Ctrl+V", comentários são bem vindos...

Mas é justamente a parcela da minha vida que nunca foi devidamente coberta, meu calcanhar de Aquiles, meu ponto fraco. A pedra de entrave, aquela na qual sempre tropecei...

Dói, é verdade.

E como já falei no meu flog a algum tempo atrás... Todos riem do palhaço, todos acreditam que ele está bem, pois ele sorri. Cigarrete burn. And nobody in the audience notices...

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Ao som de Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons. Sim. Essa é a melhor música deles. :D

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Everybody cries.
Every love hurts...
You can't just close yourself in a dark bedroom and spent your so beautiful smile with your own walls.
I wanna see you smiling, I wanna hear you singing, I wanna tasty you sweating, I wanna feel you loving.


Tracy Whitney

Anônimo disse...

Get up and fight!
Your strengh is surprising.

Elizabeth Roffe

Anônimo disse...

I do really believe a year full of delicious surprises is beginning for you.
You only need... to believe!


Mary Ashley